The policy of "Arabic for All" regarding academic integrity in the e-learning environment based on academical values, the concept of honesty, and respect for the intellectual efforts of the learners and training experts, which requir learners and trainers to take responsibility for promoting this value and code of conduct and ensuring that they adhere to the company's policy in this regard, which does not tolerate cheating, identity theft, or any violation of academic integrity.

The technologies used to prevent cheating and identity theft include:

  1.  Arabic for All does not require additional work from learners (such as research or projects), only tests and attendance at virtual (synchronous) classes.
  2. Learners must commit to systems and penalties for detecting cheating and identity theft before taking the test, which will be sent to them via the following link: [link to penalties].
  3. Tests are designed to combine randomness and fairness so that the order of answers changes automatically from one learner to another and does not rely on memory recall but rather understanding and comprehension.
  4. A comprehensive awareness campaign on the systems, penalties for detecting cheating, and identity theft for learners and trainers.
  5. Displaying instructions for taking the test on the learner's screen during tests, including all cheating prevention systems, rules, and penalties.
  6. Two-step verification: entering a username and password, then requesting the learner to enter the temporary code sent to their mobile phone to verify their identity.